Hey guys, figured I'd post this up here cause in testing it actually worked pretty damn well. For a while I've been trying to perfect the new TeleDAD deck. By new I mean the new way its run, or at least it should be ran. There is more than one "Tele" card out there.Telekinetic Power Well
Quick-Play Spell Card
Special Summon any number of Level 2 or lower Psychic-Type monsters from your Graveyard. You take damage equal to the total Levels of those monsters x 300.
Ok so now we know the other "Tele" card in the game. For its cost its actually a very decent card. Special Summon any number of Level 2 or Lower Psychic-Type monsters at the cost of 300 life points times their total levels. Well one Psychic-Type monster is famous above all others, at least from the level 2 or below; Krebons. Krebons is a level 2 DARK Tuner monster who is obviously Psychic-Type with a kick ass effect to boot. How does Telekinetic Power Well do jack for decks now? Well first look at the build I've come up with currently and let me know what you think.
Monsters: 20
1 Dark Armed Dragon
3 Dark Grepher
1 Darklord Zerato
2 Destiny Hero - Dasher
2 Destiny Hero - Fear Monger
2 Destiny Hero - Malicious
3 Krebons
3 Phantom of Chaos
3 Tragoedia
Spells: 12
2 Allure of Darkness
1 Brain Control
2 Destiny Draw
1 Emergency Teleport
1 Heavy Storm
1 Mind Control
1 Reinforcement of the Army
3 Telekinetic Power Well
Traps: 8
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Call of the Haunted
2 Dimensional Prison
1 Mirror Force
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Torrential Tribute
Monsters: 20
1 Dark Armed Dragon
3 Dark Grepher
1 Darklord Zerato
2 Destiny Hero - Dasher
2 Destiny Hero - Fear Monger
2 Destiny Hero - Malicious
3 Krebons
3 Phantom of Chaos
3 Tragoedia
Ok so lets look at the monsters. I already know what you're thinking: "Why no Elemental Hero Stratos"? Well The answer is it's not needed. The point here is to dump Dasher, Malicious, Darklord and Tragoedia to the graveyard with Dark Grepher and play off their graveyard potential. With Tragoedia and Darklord in the graveyard, you can copy them with Phantom of Chaos, and you probably more so want to copy Tragoedia. You can milk it by taking a monster and actually modify Phantom of Chaos' level to that of another monster in your graveyard. More times than not while I was testing this, I had a level 6 in my graveyard. Now being DARK, I can dump Krebons to the graveyard too with Dark Grepher. This would be where Telekinetic Power Well comes in. If you dump Krebons you can bring it back with Telekinetic Power Well, its an excellent card for recycling lost Krebons. Between Tragoedia and Malicious you have potential level 8 Synchro Summon abilities. The main fault I see with this deck is D.D. Crow and The Transmigration Prophecy since they send cards out of play or back to the deck.
Spells: 12
2 Allure of Darkness
1 Brain Control
2 Destiny Draw
1 Emergency Teleport
1 Heavy Storm
1 Mind Control
1 Reinforcement of the Army
3 Telekinetic Power Well
Traps: 8
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Call of the Haunted
2 Dimensional Prison
1 Mirror Force
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Torrential Tribute
Onto the Spells and Traps. Now for the most part, these are all just your average standard cards. I've personally added Dimensional Prison, obviously Telekinetic Power Well and don't play with a full set of Destiny Draws. I side into Drain basically with the third Destiny Draw, Defender, a set of Barbaros and so on. Anyways I don't need to really explain most of this but if you have questions ask.
Hope ya like the deck and comment with feedback and fixes!
- Kyle the Azure Flame
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