Saturday, October 24, 2009

Deck Review - Possible Idea?

Remember the good ol' days when, was still around and they would allow people to email decks to them, and I don't know, every 2 or so weeks they'd pick one deck and review it? Well maybe I can do that here. Until I get a decent amount of viewers though I want opinions on it. You can post comments and let me know your opinion on the idea and whether or not you can help spread the word or not. Until then I can probably do decks from recent events and state what I'd change and my opinion on their decks, until I get emails from people out there that are looking to get their deck reviewed. Within the next few days I will probably look at a deck from the recent Shonen Jump Austin, Texas. Most people would expect me to review the winners deck but I more than likely wont. So yeah, stay tuned for more updates and any other ideas I may come up with.